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Demo Reel
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Most of the characters on here were designed by friends. All of the actual animation is my work.



Little Dog Turpie - Short film

This is the finished film. Visit the website for more information,

Ben Mars
Damian Surr
John Hasted
Sue Done


TurpieDivX.avi (30Mb)
best quality

Turpie.mpg (69Mb)
works on most machines


Design+Direction by Ben Mars

Drychau Drygionus (Welsh film "Mischievous Mirrors")

A film by Owen Simons, made for S4C in Wales.

Owen moved the characters bodies and I did the facial animation.


There is unfortunately no download available for this film due to S4C. I'll try to get permission to put a clip up in the future.

In the mean time, it can be seen on TV and at various animation festivals!


Directed by Owen Simons

Little Dog Turpie - (a selection of my shots)

This file contains a couple of my shots from the short film Little Dog Turpie (Written and Directed by Ben Mars).

The finished film is still being shown at animation festivals.




Design+Direction by Ben Mars

Old Friend for Dinner - (10 second club entry)

The '10secondclub' (an old website) provided a sound file every month for members to animate to. This was my fourth entry.


320 x 240 - 1.5Mb


Character by Pink Elephant

So Tired - (10 second club entry)

First entry to the '10secondclub'

So Tired

320 x 240 - 1.5Mb


Character by Pink Elephant

Please email me with any comments, or call 07712 575701